I Lived

This song is by Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic.

Play The Song:  I Lived

[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/I%20Lived%20Lyrics.pdf 100% 700]


Congratulations to all the singers in the P.S./I.S. 78Q chorus!  You all did a great job preparing for and rising to the challenge of learning Happy and performing it to open the CDEC conference today.  It was a fun performance and it was great to see all of you focus your energy into singing and performing.

Keep it up!  We have new songs to start next week!



We will be saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing Happy, by Pharrell Williams to open the CDEC conference on 1/15/2015.  See below for the words.


[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/Happy%20Lyrics.pdf 100% 700]

Pledge of Allegiance:

[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/The%20Pledge%20of%20Allegiance.pdf 100% 700]


Song Writing Project

Using the Song Writing Worksheet, which you can download below, use the I, IV, V, and vi chords to develop a chord progression pattern for your song.

Here are the steps:

  • Choose a key in which the I, IV, V and vi chords are comfortable for you to play on your chosen instrument.
    • Don’t be too worried about the key, since you can change it at a later time using the chart, just make sure you’re comfortable enough with it to be able to play the chords without too much effort.
  • Decide upon a main idea for your song.
    • This can be a topic for which you will write words/lyrics or a melody.
  • Once you have a main idea, start forming verses.
    • Think in terms of forming sections like verse, chorus, bridge.
  • Decide which order you want to put the chords in.
    • You can try out different patterns and combinations without even having an instrument using a website called drumbot.
    • You may have to try it several times by rearranging the chords to make sure that they sound good with the melody and words that you came up with.
    • Don’t forget that you are expressing not only an idea but a feeling, so the chords and harmony are what really get the feeling across.  Most of the time the words are getting the idea across so work on it until it sounds right.
  • Put it together!
    • Play the song and sing the words or play the melody to finalize your composition as a whole.
    • Remember that you will be composing your song finally, in GarageBand.  That means that you will be able to play more than one instrument at a time because you will be able to layer the sounds on top of each other.

Here are some materials that will be useful for you for this project.

[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/Song%20Writing%20Worksheet.pdf 450 600]

[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/Key%20Transposition%20Poster.pdf 450 300]


Seize The Day


[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/Seize%20The%20Day%20Lyrics.pdf 100% 700]


[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/Seize%20The%20Day%20Chords.pdf 100% 700]